Friday, November 22, 2013

Ladder problem

Below are snapshots of what we did during the discussion session on the ladder problem:

Monday, November 18, 2013

Clarifications for lab report 6

Worksheet pages to be handed in:

These are pages 73-75 (the template may be saying something different, from last semester).

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Clarifications for lab report 5

Mistake in the template:

What was originally in the template should be changed to what is highlighted below:

GRAPH 1: Centripetal force vs radius

You must have three different curves on this graph, for the different values of the radius indicated p.65.
Next to each curve, indicate the corresponding value of the radius angular velocity.

GRAPH 2: Centripetal force vs angular velocity

You must have three different curves on this graph, for the different values of the angular velocity indicated p.65.
Next to each curve, indicate the corresponding value of the angular velocity radius.